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Fantastic Story!

Review from Shadeslinger →

I often get annoyed by LitRPG’s that like to make their characters over powered and complete murder hobo’s with little character development. From the beggining I was gripped by Ned and Frank as characters. (I am a sucker for a sarcastic companion. Looking at you Skippy from Expeditionary Force) The world’s system is different and..

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A Perfect Bridge

Review from Skysworn →

Skysworn is a perfect bridge transitioning from a focus on the consequences of the events in the Transcendent Ruins towards a much larger world in the Blackflame Empire and even BIGGER factions.

Previous Reviews Were Misleading!

Review from Transcendence →

DON’T LISTEN TO THE BAD REVIEWS!! I was hesitant about getting this book because of the many reviews that said this book sucked. the quality went down, it’s mostly training, Arthur forget everything from the previous books, etc. etc. LIES!! Look, I started reading at book 5, before that I read the manwah’s. I don’t..

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Finally gets interesting

Review from Ghostwater →

I had been going through the series because the books were cheap and it was decent entertainment for my commutes. The first four books were nothing special but this is the first one that I thought the author got the formula right. My main problem with the previous books was that the hero was doing..

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This is the start of a great series

Review from Unsouled →

It is hard finding books that capture my interest let alone entire series. This book slowly builds a universe that is intriguing. The main character, who basically starts out as nothing, slowly grows to be one of the most powerful characters in the world if not more. I would recommend this book to anyone looking..

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Beloved Fiancee Review

Review from Wintersteel →

Lots of big things happened in this book! Many characters, much upgrades. Athan ends up being super strong and bows out of the fight, Linden was fighting so he could buy toys at the store, and Safari was taken out as the evil character. It seems to me that many important powerful soul flavors (madra?)..

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