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Pretty freaking good

Review from Shadeslinger →

Overall: pretty good. The stat updates aren’t to overwhelming, and the spell details are good Performance: narration is great. Can tell the different characters apart which is big in my eyes Story: thought story was good. Like how author put city building in.

Not for me

Review from Shadeslinger →

Personally this is not for me, the MC is not very likable he’s not bad or anything just kinda selfish with how the story kicked off and I found Frank super annoying, when I read the reviews everyone wrote he is a good side character, but I didn’t find it that way. It’s got good..

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So much fun

Review from Street Cultivation →

This was a really enjoyable read, and I’d always wondered about Wuxia novels in a more modern setting. Lucra=chi/qi/power here… and there’s vending machines for it and demons giving shitty loan deals lol Good hearted man down in his luck overcomes obstacles with hard work and quick wits- it’s a well loved trope for a..

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No complaints

Review from Shadeslinger →

*I like the characters and their development.*Fun and sufficiently witty dialogue *I appreciate Fantasy books that highlight diversity and inclusion. Not picking up on much of a vibe on that so far and that’s excluding the genocide. *But all in all great 👍🏽

Still a great listen but …

Review from Divergence →

[light spoiler] This book ends up pointing a huge flaw in the primary protagonist, Arthur. That being, his tendency to be a glory hound to the exclusion of others close to him and causing unintended negative consequences. [end spoiler] Also, this book dwells more deeply into his previous life’s backstory, along with revealing two very..

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Love this amazing book

Review from Sacred Cat Island →

Such a gem! This is a beautiful slice of life tale with magic sprinkled throughout! The MCs are curious, hard working and intelligent children. The actions of the adults make sense and give the story depth. World building and leveling also made sense. Leveling and skill progression is slow paced but it makes sense with..

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