View: tbaldree - page 174

This Is A MMO

Review from Shadeslinger →

As LIT RPGs go this one is alright. I’m up to book 3 now and I still enjoy it. However, I don’t think i would have started this series if I knew how the combat worked. Its basically just World Of Warcraft. Fights aren’t decided by martial skill, but by cooldown timings and buff and..

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Marty Mcfly

Review from Death Cultivator →

The MC has the annoying habit of being set off by even the slightest confrontation. What makes it worse, is that half way through the book he stops having this problem. He also decides multiple times to save or protect people that have tortured him, enslaved him, and tried to kill him. I get that..

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If only….

Review from Shadeslinger →

If only this tech existed! I thoroughly enjoyed the book because the author does a great job sucking you in from the start. The narrator does an excellent job, and I was glad there was another book after this one. I have grown attached to the characters.