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Length feels deceptive

Review from Unsouled →

Audiobook covers the entire book but the last 40-50 mins of each is a preview for the next story. If I wasn’t a fan of the books and hadn’t bought them on kindle (and gotten the discount on audiobook pricing as a result) I’d be a bit chapped. Performance is good and the fact I’ve..

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Quite enjoyable

Review from The Flaw in All Magic →

I saw an ad that said “If you like The Dresden Files you’ll like this” and it wasn’t wrong. The series has a way to go before it can match Jim Butcher’s books but there’s potential there. I hope the author keeps them coming. My only complaint is that the book was a little short…

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Unexpectedly Bad

Review from Unsouled →

I was really looking forward to this series, since the reviews were good and the subject matter seemed like something I would like. I found the story plodded with endless repetition of details, I forced myself to listen to six chapters while hoping the story would get better, but I finally couldn’t stand it any..

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So good

Review from Soulsmith →

Second listen through of the series in prep for listening to the last book. And it’s just as good the 2nd time! So good

it’s not bad

Review from Shadeslinger →

it takes most of the book to feel like he is anything more then a meh player. and Frank is not that much of an advantage. everything that’s worth knowing he can’t talk about I’ll see where the next book goes but I don’t know howuch farther I’ll go if the story line doesn’t take..

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