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The Vivid Detail

Review from Shadeslinger →

listening to this felt like I was watching the whole thing! the way i felt like I was watching the whole thing in first and third person. I Need this to have an animed series in the art style that Final fantasy advent child had. this book was amazing 100% would recommend hit all marks

Finally, a LitRPG that I like

Review from Shadeslinger →

I’ve purchased one or more of these (LitRPG) books before, and never completed them. I simply lost interest with the in-game grind described in minute detail. I enjoyed this one all the way through. The mc is engaging. The author explains why he is the way he is without beating you over the head with..

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The game system

Review from Shadeslinger →

Amazing book for any fantasy, loving gamer like this is the system we all wish for if you are an RPG fan this is what we wish the future of gaming would become. Amazing story.