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Review from Greenways Goblins →

Nothing really stands out about this. Some rude, foulmouthed jerks are magically transported to a LitRPG world following TTRPG mechanics – the mechanics are different from D&D, but the spells are all just renamed versions of D&D spells. There isn’t much in the way of character development or an overarching plot. I mean, of course..

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Fun Ride

Review from The Flaw in All Magic →

I will be honest, I figured out pretty early on who the main baddie was in the story. But, honestly, I did not care because this book was fun. Travis Baldree of course knocks it out of the park with the narration which really makes for an enjoyable listen.I liked the characters which was why..

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Enjoyable and Refreshing

Review from Of Sea and Shadow →

The book is good though not as amazing as the Cradle series. However, it’s well-written and engaging. I actually liked that half the book was told in flashbacks. This would normally be annoying, but in this case it was interesting and refreshing because you knew that no matter how crazy the flashback, the protagonist was..

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Not sure. Next please.

Review from Blackflame →

For a LITRPG without the level up crap, this series is fun and entertaining. Love the mains and the antagonists and the story is pro-plot and a little bumpy but exciting for this genre. START at the beginning so you love the characters as I do. For sure there is black flame in your heart!

Competition and Training

Review from Wintersteel →

Wight seems to be better at writing training montages and competitions than at writing more general adventure. This is the former and it’s well handled, with good character development.

Story starting to flush out.

Review from Blackflame →

This book feels like it is starting to build off of the ones before in a story that feel engaging and interesting! While I get that a lot of ground work has to come first, the first couple of books where a little slow and seeing the payoff from that is great.

Gore and humor.

Review from Underlord →

Fantasy at its best. A never boring saga of good versus, bad, ugly, and. evil. 🤔 Ugly can be good. Pretty can be ev…. Sounds like a lot of governments.


Review from Shadeslinger →

Hi, it’s been a while since I did a review, loved the story, the narrator everything about this book, about to buy the next book. I AM HOOKED!!