View: tbaldree - page 145

Great Book

Review from Uncrowned →

Audible is making me leave a written review instead of just allowing me to use the star reviews. Audible … bad choice

Great Book

Review from Underlord →

Audible is making me leave a written review instead of just allowing me to use the star reviews. Audible … bad choice

Great Book

Review from Soulsmith →

Audible is making me leave a written review instead of just allowing me to use the star reviews. Audible … bad choice

Great Book

Review from Unsouled →

Audible is making me leave a written review instead of just allowing me to use the star reviews. Audible … bad choice

Not enough REAL physical passion

Review from Wintersteel →

A story should contain love, violence, SEX (you write like you’re a schoolboy virgin), real relationships. This part of the story is a joke. The timeline is great, the concepts are fantastic and the story is almost great. All this killing going on and people get embarrassed holding hands or kissing? That is ridiculous. Ignorant…

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least of the books so far

Review from Skysworn →

I really enjoyed the first three books of the series. This one was ok, but it felt like a transition between two stories, instead of it’s own. The plot was not well structured, and the drama, character development, and tension didn’t work to the levels of the previous books. I’ll give the series one more..

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