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Cultivation novel with no cultivation

Review from Unsouled →

The novel borrows a lot of elements from “cultivation” stories popular in China and Korea, but uses different terms. I love those types of stories, but while there is constant talk about ranks and people “leveling up”, the main character spends very little time developing his powers, or learning how to use them. You would..

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Engaging storyline

Review from Shadeslinger →

A fast paced tale with well developed characters and good, unexpected plot twists. The reader is quickly transported to a very believable alternate reality. Brilliant storytelling.

Setting up the big bad

Review from The Emperor’s Mask →

Pacing was improved slightly over the first one. Setting up the big bad is never easy but this pulls it off. They should have given Tane an honorary degree by now. It sounded like he did all the course work but they hated his final dissertation and expelled him for it. Time to give back..

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A Failure on Every Level

Review from Soulsmith →

I enjoyed the first in the series very much and jumped right into book 2. I was hoping for what we all want in a continuing story, but at the end of this catastrophe I liked the protagonist Lindon less, I was uninterested in the plot, and I didn’t care what happened next. One bright..

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Fun and engaging, but so short

Review from The Flaw in All Magic →

Enjoyed the story and its excellent performance, but this is barely a novella. Frustrating to get into a story and like the characters, and have it over so quickly. I wouldn’t mind so much, except that audible is charging full-novel prices for novella-length material–so a string of tiny stories is exorbitant.

2 FOR 2

Review from Soulsmith →

Wight does it again. I loved seeing what Yerin and Lindon are put to—fast-paced and great action. Ancient ruins in Sacred Valley attract sacred artists to compete for treasures. Using Soulsmiths’ crafting abilities, Lindon gains power but faces new foes and eventually faces a clan of Golds.