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Best part of them all…

Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

..and it’s utterly politically incorrect! I love it! I don’t understand people yammering about their favourite religion being assaulted and stuff. Guys, this book is also showing ridiculousness of religions, not only making fun of them, as well as the whole system we live in.

Gritty and Unique

Review from Reincarnation →

This book has many of the hallmarks of other cultivation stories: quest for power, demonic enemies, Travis Baldree, and antagonists with a “might makes right” attitude. This story is a nice blend of the usuals but it does one thing in a very unique way: takes no prisoners. The MC is written as an experienced..

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Mind. Blown!

Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

How in the world does each of these novels keep ratcheting up the intensity, humor, emotions, AND multi-world political intrigue WITHOUT constantly recycling traditional tropes?! I got a good chuckle and decent entertainment out of the first couple of books, but then . . . holy feces! This runaway train just keeps delivering!!! Can’t wait..

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