View: tbaldree - page 103

Best Book Yet

Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

You know you are only reading this review if you’ve listened to the other books. You know you liked them…. The detail in the reading of this book is 10 out of 10!Great job Folks!Hey Matt.. Thanks for another great story. Now hurry up and take us to level 9!

His first book and it is a BLAST

Review from Zeus Is Dead →

Honestly, this is the first review I have left on audible, but this book is so good I had to leave one. I listen to almost the whole thing in one day. This book is kind of like a mix of hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy and American Gods. Lots of meta parts, funny characters,..

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Best Series Ever!!!

Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

I didn’t know what to expect on floor 8, and was super surprised and excited to see a pokemon/card based theme. Matt did such a great job with this and the cast from soundbooth theater really brought it all to life. I seriously got very emotional in several parts. Those emotions being super excited, joyous..

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Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

This is, without a doubt, the best Modern Fantasy/LITRPG series currently out. My jaw dropped too many times to count during my listen of this book. My only regret is that I have to wait for the next one, but I look forward to waiting long enough that I can listen through the series for..

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