Great story and performance and can’t wait for the next book in the series. I definitely recommend.
Handsome $ Greta
Review from Handsome & Greta →
Review from Handsome & Greta →
Review from Snow and the Seven Men →
So Snow and the seven men was cute. She did jump into bed with many men in a 2 day period. It was shockingly fast. No build up. First time fulling seeing him. Let’s get off in the tub. But after that.. the story was good. With Twists you didn’t expect. It was a little..
Review from Nature’s Silent Message →
Review from Sleeping with Beauty →
Review from Binding Rose →
I will admit that I should have picked this up way sooner, but I read a different Mafia Wars book first and it turned me off for a while… But this one, I definitely enjoyed! I was interested to see how the harem would come to be, especially when you have a hero that is..
Review from Tomorrow Detective →
Review from Binding Rose →
I am so sick of these Negative Nancys leaving terrible reviews about amazing books which could turn some readers away as a consequence. These people leave reviews complaining about a book’s dark content, their distaste for the reverse harem, or even how much they dislike the aggressiveness of the MMC……this is Dark Romance people!!!! If..
Review from Snow and the Seven Men →