Talk about a bomb shell that dropped!!! I was not expecting it to end like that! Lol Geez!
Review from Something Borrowed →
Review from Something Borrowed →
Review from Sleeping with Beauty →
Review from Rydeville Elite Box Set, Books 4-6 →
Narrators were great. The only one I did not like that much was Jay Alder, his performance was not my favorite, 3.5 stars for him. The rest t stars. Charlie – he and Demi meet after the loss of his dad. He drowns himself in booze and meets Demi which sets in motion a sleuth..
Review from A Taste of Forever →
I see some of the other reviewers were nice but I’m going to be honest, if I’d known how book three was going to end, I would’ve saved my money. Plain and simple, the author got lazy. There were so many lose ends and fillers that it felt like straight up amateur hour. I like..
Review from Snow and the Seven Men →
Review from With a Little Luck →
Review from With a Little Luck →