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Must read, great gift

Review from Super Thinking →

true to its aims, you would wish you read this when you were younger.. it integrates thoughts, philosophies, and ideas from the best thinkers – such as Taleb, Kahneman, Buffett, Musk and more…

Celebration of Poor Judgement

Review from Breaking Seas →

Over all the story was well told however I am saddened the story even existed to tell. It started with bad judgment, continued with bad judgment and ended with a little luck, but over all bad judgment. He risked the lives of his crew by selling inexperience as an asset. They were indeed volunteers but..

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Moving Tales

Review from Running to the Edge →

Every runner has a story and a reason they run. The stirring ambition and commitment of these runners is captivating. Their coach believing, testing, and connecting it all. It’s simple. The outcomes obvious at times. Their pains were real though. I enjoyed these stories of endurance.