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Excellent, well-researched information

Review from Coders →

This is a great listen for both coders and non-coders alike. I was impressed with the extensive research and interviews done for this book. The author does a good job of getting multiple perspectives on a wide range of topics related to coding. As a coder myself, much of this book was already familiar to..

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Super Introduction to Super Thinking

Review from Super Thinking →

Learnt a lot, but more importantly, I now also have pointers to go deeper into understanding and utilising many of models mentioned. Serves as a very good intro on the topic. Loved the fact that the book references a lot of books and I have read or heard about only a handful of them, so..

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Review from Coders →

I’m a young woman who is just beginning a career in programming and picked this up to see what I’m getting into. This book left me feeling very optimistic and excited to enter this field! You get to hear all about the history of coding, interviews with people in the industry and stories of programming..

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