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A Great Biography

Review from The New Tsar →

A great biography on one of the defining characters of our age. Detail oriented and unbiased, the biographer helps you see the world through both Putins eyes, and those of his critics. Hard to put down!

Very interesting.

Review from Running to the Edge →

I really enjoyed the format. The story was told in a way that kept you Interested and excited. I was cheering for the underdog . I also really enjoyed all the facts and numbers. If you love running like I do you will love this book.

excellent content except…

Review from Super Thinking →

A really fantastic compilation of mental models with helpful examples. Some I was familiar with and others were new. the only drawback was the author’s propensity to repeatedly use climate change as an example at every possible opportunity. At times it felt like he was pontificating his personal political worldview rather than providing an example..

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One of the best

Review from Running to the Edge →

Seamlessly weaving tails of triumph and tragedy with the common thread of a stoic sage, Futterman masterfully captures the ineffability of running and its American story. A must read for every current and aspiring runner.