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Didn’t care for the premise.

Review from Coach Me →

I struggled with this one. I got a bunch of free books on Audible and thought I would try to read this one before it expired on 5/7. I was uneasy about the premise, which is about an affair between a student and coach. She’s over 18 but it still felt icky. It felt like..

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Mostly Right but a Bit Arrogant

Review from Super Thinking →

This book had a lot of interesting ideas but I was disappointed how few were new to me. The authors should have stayed in their engineering & math lanes since they didn’t understand several of the psychology topics as well as they thought they did, hence ” a Bit Arrogant “. The one example (..

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Wish I didn’t

Review from Breaking Seas →

I wanted to like this. and I did. its well written and it was easy to cheer for Glenn. Until it wasnt. He’s just kind of an asshole. And the woman he speaks crudely about were once friends and crew mates. Just because his pecker wasnt attracted to them doesnt mean he could write a..

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A bunch of lists

Review from The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching →

I honestly found this book a bit dogmatic. The ideas were often organized into lists with little explanation. For instance, TNH mentions avoiding alcohol as part of the Buddhist way, but it is just rattled off as part of a list for “right action” without any justification, storytelling, etc. If you want a book with..

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