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Review from Coders →

I’ve been a “coder” for 20+ years, and so thought it would be interesting to get an outsider’s perspective on the field. For the first few chapters I enjoyed the book, and I think he got a lot right – coding is a roller-coaster ride, it takes immortal-amounts of patience, it can make us cantankerous..

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Highly derivative

Review from Super Thinking →

This book is highly derivative of Thinking Fast and Slow and The Black Swan among others and is essentially a superficial recounting of these and several other books in this genre. The tone is arrogant and self-congratulatory.


Review from The New Tsar →

I felt the book was objective enough and really gave a reasonable glimpse into Putins story showing both the good and the bad sides. The story itself is very intresting, surprising and thrilling at some points, one of the more awesome books I heard.