As a devout Mycology enthusiast, I’ve read the majority of mushroom books on this app, and many beyond that. Many of them are beautiful, describe interesting scientific data, and catalogue mycological subcultures. Of all of them, I’ve found this one the most inspiring. If you’re curious about the cultural moment that mushrooms are having, or..
View: reneruizvoice - page 36
Way too elementary
Review from Mine! →
Review from American Serial Killers →
This book has offered some good insight on the meaning and application of copyright, thought-provoking discussion on the concept of ownership, and had done a good job of challenging conventional wisdom. The only downside is that the two authors hail from academia, so they are thoroughly entrenched in the liberal mindset. Not sure how aware..
Some interesting material
Review from Coders →
On and off
Review from The New Tsar →