View: reneruizvoice - page 33

Weak Arguments and Bad Science

Review from Survival of the Friendliest →

From implying brain size=intelligence to actually citing the debunked and discredited marshmallow test this book simply isn’t credible. This is likely one of those pop science works whose central thesis will spread because it’s a “NYT Bestseller” and then quietly be disproven while everyone repeats it for the next decade. Absolutely reeks of reproducibility crisis.

We are being fed and harvested like cattle

Review from Mine! →

If reading this book does not make you angry…you have not read it. I consider myself well educated and informed. This book told me otherwise. I also have a criticism. Both authors are hair-on-fire liberals with obsequious submission to political correctness. They endlessly cite the same yawn-fest of liberal “facts” that are thinly disguised ideology…

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The Mushroom Book I’ve Been Waiting For

Review from In Search of Mycotopia →

As a devout Mycology enthusiast, I’ve read the majority of mushroom books on this app, and many beyond that. Many of them are beautiful, describe interesting scientific data, and catalogue mycological subcultures. Of all of them, I’ve found this one the most inspiring. If you’re curious about the cultural moment that mushrooms are having, or..

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Way too elementary

Review from Mine! →

This book is trying to be freakonomics with the hidden side of property law, but the examples are obvious. First couple chapters are boring. Return. Would be great for a child, but not an adult.