View: reneruizvoice - page 32

This book is pretty trash

Review from Super Thinking →

I cannot recommend this book because it is so surface-level that it provides little to no value. By the end of this book, I listened to it at 3x speed, and it still lacked any information density. Read The Art of Thinking Clearly instead.

Putin good and bad

Review from The New Tsar →

Living in a neighbour country I liked the idea of learning a bit more about Putin was interesting. But I generally don’t find politics that interesting, so I put this on mostly to have something to fall a sleep to. But I kept listening to this book until the end. Never going book to my..

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Want to return

Review from American Serial Killers →

I have tried to return this book and it says It is not ellagable for return. And then I spen over an hour clicking links trying to get to customer service to talk to someone with no luck. It is a non ending loop. Says use the chat option. There is no chat option. Thinking..

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This has changed how I look at the world around me

Review from Mine! →

From the very first puzzle — who should own the wedge of space behind an airline seat, the recliner or the knee defender? — Mine! reveals how deeply ownership conflicts shape every aspect of our lives. There are just six stories that everyone uses to claim everything. Once you start to look at the world..

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awesome book!

Review from Running to the Edge →

as a weekend warrior trail runner, I loved hearing what a true competitive runner go through… loved the book listened to it on my runs laughed and cried along the way with them.

Worth more than one listen!

Review from Through Two Doors at Once →

This is THE most comprehensive and engaging dive you’ll ever find dedicated this #1 most central mystery in all of physics. Expertly researched and all of it done impressively without a single eqation!! Thru a partially historical lense, it explains wave/particle duality from its early hints before the first double slit experiments…to delayed choice quantum..

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The history of the Mine

Review from Mine! →

This is a very interesting story of the Mine concept over the centuries and generations. The sense of possession has largely changed over the years. What was essential for us in the past seems superfluous today. While companies are taking profit if this cultural change Uber, Apple, Amazon it is not clear if we are..

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