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I love it.

Review from In Search of Mycotopia →

As an educated mycophile I found this book engaged g and informative. it touches on both the academic/scientific as well as the social elements of the mycological community in an engaging and even entertaining way. I have not read a book so fast in a while.

Best Law cpncept book

Review from Mine! →

I listened to so many law philosophy books and this ome just gets it. It is a surface level summary of so many concepts on legal ownership. great book

Well done!

Review from Cozy →

Jan Brett’s adorable “Cozy” comes to life under the talented performance of Rene Ruiz. The sweet story combined with the animal sounds and voices, with the whistling wind in the background, make for an atmospheric, charming listen for kids and adults alike. Mind those lemmings!

Extremely relevant.

Review from The New Tsar →

Extremely relevant given the current invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Historical parallels to Hitler are quite apparent. Like Hitler, this man will not be stopped. He has to be taken out somehow. Very well written

So interesting!

Review from Mine! →

Such an interesting book. The authors take a look at often conflicting ‘rules’ about ownership (e.g. first come first served, possession, product of labor, etc) and discuss how these ideas have shaped our world. I flew through this book.