Between the thrilling stories and the emotionally portrayed characters, this book transports you to a post-apocalyptic land where everyone has a story. I can’t wait to start the next book!
View: pthron - page 56
Highly regarded
Review from Federation Chronicles →
A strong sequel to a strong sequel
Review from Assassin →
Review from The Centennial Tournament →
Riun is slowly taking to leadership and Zach is growing. They go to the tournament. Fight and place and make names for themselves. The bad guys unleash an evil army on everyone and they work together to stem the flow and escape. The future will hold change for the world.Fun read. Good continuations. I really..
Review from The Aspects →
Margaritas … Mayhem … Murder …. When some nefarious Paradise Cove ne’er do well’s conspire to frame Sheila for doing away with a belligerent, and confrontational resident, it falls to her new friends, and her devoted cat Detective Whiskers, to keep her out of the pokey in “Paw and Order, The Detective Whiskers Cozy Mystery..