The story was so funny, I had to stop reading on the train since my gafaws were too loud.
View: pthron - page 34
Review from Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli →
Fun written style
Review from Crossroads of the Apocalypse →
Fun read!
Review from Crossroads of the Apocalypse →
So funny!
Review from Dads vs. Zombies: Year 2 →
Apocalyptic books are a guilty pleasure and it’s hard to find a good series especially in the zombie/zombie like category. It’s important not to think to much for there are a lot of things that will drive you crazy. One example and this one is because I am a gun guy but no one who..
A fantastic series.
Review from Slow Burn Box Set →
Listened to it twice, back to back. It’s well written, with likable, memorable characters and a well balanced amount of witty humor and action. The momentum and development of the story is pleasantly steady without feeling rushed. Without spoiling anything, I particularly enjoyed the concept of how the virus works and how the main character..
skill: my perfect review: an author that can’t stop using stats to increase the word count
Review from The Centennial Tournament →
seriously… I just finished a chapter and I have about 6hrs left… and I just delt with literally 20 minutes of stats listed… minute mark 38 to 58… and I lost it… so I came here to leave this review… and that is my primary reason this series now gets 3 stars… it’s the same..
this is the most quotable book
Review from The Empire →