I believe this offering took the greatest amount of time to complete. The truth is I used the last hour to put me asleep. The author tries to tell Mario Puzo’s story, the books story, the story of the actors, the locations, and so on. It’s too much. it’s also over baked lasagna – lots..
View: pthron - page 25
Needa reupload voice issues
Review from The Aspects →
Really great and funny!
Review from Deepwater Dungeon →
Good set up book
Review from Assassin →
A great sci fi story
Review from Boom Box →
So the author starts with a nice, “it’s not all bad in a post apocalyptic world” premise. And he does hit some high notes in his series. There are some very funny scenes and social commentary such as his description of the natural conclusion of a hyper liberal “everone gets a trophy” society. (except for..
Bad story events
Review from The Aspects →
One of the things I dislike most in a book are time skips and complete dismantling of a character. It was automatic drop to 8/10 at the very beginning of the book with all the time skips. Then it dropped a 7 out of 10 when one of the characters just became a boring prisoner…