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a fantasy book with plausible outcomes

Review from Awakening →

Important characters are in genuine lethal peril! at any moment anyone could die, all the while plot, progression and new characters emerge endlessly; paired with a fantastic narrator! Abilities galore, no fireball/poison spam, the protagonist isn’t from another world, nor reincarnated! story – 1🌟The ending was flat.Personal stats lean on D&D too much, less creative/unique.We..

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Way too much Zach

Review from The Empire →

I was never a huge fan of Zach, his character is supposed to be all morals and rules but always bends to what is convenient. This book focused way too much on Zach and his progression only to suddenly have him inexplicably jump forward in power while Ryun seemingly stagnated for the entire book. Hopefully..

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Unforgettable characters!

Review from Slow Burn Box Set →

In a zombie apocalypse box set? Yeah, can you believe it? I so enjoyed this audiobook. I’m obviously not alone! I’ve read Bobby Adair from his first few books and in this series, I realized how much his writing matured into his very own unique voice, a la Stephen King.