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Weird, Emotional, and Very Entertaining

Review from Long Way Home →

I can’t get enough of the Hayven Celestia universe – and Piers Ryman is one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) narrators of all time. Just be forewarned that book has a comical amount of “adult themes” and mild spoilers for the White Flower II trilogy.

3rd in the series

Review from Betrayal →

This book is third in the series. it can be read/listened to as a standalone but you’ll get much more out of it if you read/listen to the first two before this. The H falls in love with an unlikely hunter who was a victim of the Master (demon) but was saved and decided to..

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One of my favorites

Review from Gunner →

Gunner is a great redemption story. I could not put it down! Maddie Wade did an awesome job with the insight into the characters in this book. Gunner’s motivation to become a part of the Eidolon team again and his love for Lacey makes for a sexy, suspenseful book. It’s definitely a page turner! Lacey..

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Favorite Why Choose Series – So Well Done!

Review from The Queen’s Line →

Truly this is one of the best why choose novels I’ve read. The main character is canonically demisexual, though she doesn’t use a label. It’s excellent demiseuxal representation. The relationships between the men are so rich and well written. There’s M/M and strong friendships/ intrigue between them all. There’s so much plot and intrigue that..

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