View: pheitsch - page 55

How old is this guy?

Review from All Bleeding Stops →

Mostly medically accurate. Kind of difficult to believe this doctor has worked at all of these facilities and supervised trauma services in that many. If you’re looking for exciting stories of trauma patients, skip this one. If you love statistics, a keeper.

Good attempt of a gargantuan taks

Review from Napoleon →

Life of Napoleon compressed is a necessary task and the author made an above than decent job attemping it. What’s missing (in my view) is an even more summarizing view – a simple description of events chronologically which would serve as a later context for actual in-depth descriptions

Good but lacking

Review from Blueshift →

I did not feel there was enough of a plot. And what there was a plot was mostly about internal backstabbing and interpersonal politics, which real life is full enough of that. I don’t need to experience in a dozen hours of an audio book.

Great book!

Review from Napoleon →

This is an excellent brief introduction to Napoleon’s life and conquests. Some of the books that are out there are humongous. This one is concise, yet gives a great overview. If you saw the movie “Napoleon” by Ridley Scott, and liked it, you’re going to realize how bad that movie actually was after reading this..

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