View: pheitsch - page 5

Entertaining but a bit shallow

Review from The Lost Relic →

The Relic is an entertaining novel and is a good choice when you want a light and simple read, say over a weekend beach trip. While we do get some back story on the main characters, they never quite evolve beyond cookie cutter and often seem cliche. The plot is very interesting, activating daydreamed thoughts..

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Review from Van Gogh →

It’s slow to start, but once it gets to Vincent’s adult years it really takes off. I cried several times. It was beautifully detailed and so very heart-wrenching… I’ll forever look at his paintings with a more empathetic eye!

Another HR!

Review from Blackheart →

I mean not much to say he could probably write about a space turd and it would be good enough for me to be hooked to til the end! Keep it up Josh!


Review from Fugitives →

I love a book that starts out running and Silent Wars : Fugitives at a sprint and then goes into a full run. We take poor Eli (a post apocalyptic cop) from an underground prison, to a freaking train fight (briefly), to a full scale invasion of Gnat territories. Think the battle of Hoth if..

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