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Same story differnt POV

Review from Tracking Trisha →

Ok this is where I want to start beating my head against the wall in wonder. How do you sell a story that’s almost exactly like the other story, but embellishes it only a little, but all it is is the same story with a point of view change. Really nothing new here at allll.

Kinda crazy just like Cara

Review from Capturing Cara →

Ok this is the start of where the books in this series begins to repeat. It basically restates the book before it, starting where all the characters meet on the plane together. Only change, its from point of view of Cara. Shes super funny and awesome and full of crazy that its still worth listening..

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Solid story

Review from Abducting Abby →

This is really an original tale in a lot of ways. Some creative things going on and interesting side tales that I can see leading to a great series. I put off listening to this book for so long because truthfully it seemed boring. But don’t go by the synopsis or the brief preview of..

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