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Review from Abducting Abby →

While I love the story, the male voice takes away from it. The male voice can not seem to sound like a woman. It is to low. This takes away from the romance of the story.

Mushy instalove…

Review from Command Decision →

Ugh – even second time through – starts out promising sci-fi romance – and comes to a screeching halt for me when the first sex scene appears from nowhere (about 4hrs15mins). Note to self : do. not. bother.

Female lead just not likable. ?

Review from Jaguin’s Love →

I have really enjoyed all of Susan Smiths Dragon Lords stories. The world building is complex and rich. The characters deep and evolved. But the female lead in this story, was just not easy to identify with. She goes through a terrible trauma. Captured and tortured she spends most of the book wrapped up in..

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Great book

Review from Viper’s Defiant Mate →

I loved this book ! I’m hoping there are more in this series ! Tina and Viper’s love story was great . I loved the way Tina was not letting anyone put her down not even if it was to protect her lol . Viper has met his match in Tina . Now there should..

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Review from Choosing Riley →

This book kept me laughing till I cried . What would be the most unusual thing to be in Riley’s purse ? I don’t think that girl knows just what all is in that oversized pink monstrosity lol . I think there is at least one fast shifter that’s not sure what he’s in store..

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