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Not my cup of tea.

Review from Blueshift →

I wanted more interaction between the crew and the humans who had continued to advance in the intervening 800 years. Instead we spend most of the time dealing with feral humans. I found myself asking “why” a lot. Why were narcissists and psychopaths allowed on board? What was so important about the drives carrying the..

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Taylor and Saber

Review from Challenging Saber →

Saber didn’t have a chance. Taylor challenged him all the way. this was another great instulment in the Alliance series. I recommend this book and series if you haven’t found it already

That girl is Hilarious!

Review from Krac’s Firebrand →

That Girl Is Hilarious! And she totally made the Book totally Awesome! there was a time or two I laughed so hard i cried and my stomach hurt! She has the joy of a child, and a naivety that is scary yet you want to protect and hold on too. Its funny how her das..

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Sexy Dragons

Review from Determined Prince →

I love Michelle Pillow’s work. She never fails to make me laugh. This book was short but sweet and steamy. When Kyran comes to planet Earth looking for a wife, he isn’t aware of the customs or dress and him and his brothers look like something from the 70s and 80s with their dress attire…

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They just keep getting better

Review from Redemption →

I seem to keep saying that this one was the best one yet, but I truly mean it. The story flowed well; introduced some new characters and provided a good base for future stories. It was also a good adventure with lots of excitement.

I love this series

Review from Dagger’s Hope →

A truly remarkable world you have built S. E. Smith. I love everything about it. Jordan and Dagger were great together. Such a strong female to an equally impressive strong male. They fit well together. Never giving up on each other. The story line was fantastic with a great ending to their story. Loved every..

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Best one yet

Review from Secret of the Phoenix →

I have read all the series up to this point and enjoyed this one the most. I think the story flowed well and tied together some lose ends from the previous books. I liked it conclusion and recommend this to others. I am beginning to think this would make a good syfi tv series.