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Perfect pacing!

Review from Secret of the Phoenix →

There is something about the Omega Force series and it’s pacing. It has fast enough action, plus back story, and doesn’t get drawn out over huge explanations. Secret of the Phoenix is no different. Excellent action – even when you weren’t expecting it to happen. Can’t wait to see where the series goes!

Jordan takes center stage in Dagger’s Hope

Review from Dagger’s Hope →

Jordan, aka Jessie’s sister, has been in both of the previous stories, as a result this one includes several scenes we are familiar with, but from a different perspective, and timeline wise it overlaps with Razor’s story. Jordan is a fun, and interesting character to go on a journey with for several reasons, among them..

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Great !

Review from Challenging Saber →

This story was good. Saber, and Taylor, were introduced in earlier books, so you think you already know them. It is an emotional, and dangerous story. With as turn or two to keep you hooked.

Loved it!

Review from Dagger’s Hope →

I really like Daggar, and his tenacity and will to survive, in a very brutal environment had me cheering for him. Jordan’s diced determination to find him, when others though him dead, was the driving force of this book. There was a terrible Bad guy, you wanted to kill and was glad when he got..

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