View: pheitsch - page 433

Worth every credit

Review from Legends Never Die →

I’m really starting to get angry about all of the 5-10 hour books that cost $20 or a full credit. Not many years ago I was ordering 40 hour books and felt I was getting my money’s worth. These Omega Rising books aren’t long, but I have to say that in this case I don’t..

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What Heaven would be like for me.

Review from Omega Rising →

Omega Rising was GREAT…. I appreciate it’s mostly unique plot. And although the larger plot was pretty standard the particulars and the way it was pulled off were exclusive. I kept thinking …. I wish this would happen to me. It would be a fantastic and exciting way to live. I am now going to..

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Love this narrator!

Review from Challenging Saber →

Typical Alpha male temperament makes Saber a lost man! Will he get it together before he looses the Girl? Enjoying the intrigue behind the scenes in this series. Recommended for lovers of romance with intergalactic overtones.