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Better than it looks.

Review from Blueshift →

I love Omega Force and Black Fleet. I’ve listened to both series twice. When I saw Josh released this book I was…excited to say the least. Then I read the summary and lost interest. But I like Josh so I downloaded the book anyways for if nothing but to support a great author. I tried..

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Solid SciFi

Review from Omega Rising →

I enjoyed this book and look forward to more in the series. There are no mind-bending science fiction concepts (which I typically enjoy), but the pace and action are fun. The only real issue I have with the book is that everything seems to work out for the main character. While there are challenges for..

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Untold tales of history

Review from The Unexpected President →

Unfortunately, Chester Arthur had all of his personal and official papers burned before his death in 1886 so there isn’t a lot of material to work with when writing about him. The author instead attempts to paint a vivid picture of the times and how they defined Arthur’s life. The book contains many stories I..

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