View: pheitsch - page 423

Nice Historical Summary

Review from Secret Treasure of Oak Island →

The author presented a nice factual summary of the legion’s history and the personalities of the contemporary searchers. I would recommend this book to anyone who watches “The Curse of Oak Island” as it really broadens your view of the island and the legion. I struggled a bit with the narration, which at times was..

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“in a husky voice”

Review from Jaguin’s Love →

for the author: husk·y1/ˈhəskē/adjective1.(of a voice or utterance) sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.synonyms:throaty, gruff, gravelly, hoarse, croaky, rough, guttural, harsh, rasping, raspy; deep“a husky voice” is so over-used, it’s almost comical. I heard it twice (literally) within the several min it took me to write this. other than that, these stories are entertaining and interesting.


Review from Tracking Trisha →

Absolutely the best of the series so far. Could be listened to as a stand-alone. Trish’s dragon scolding her made me roar with laughter every time!

Reunited… But to What end?

Review from Legends Never Die →

The series has developed in a way that I am happy to say is believable, if you believe in the possibilities of what we can accomplish with science.The fact that almost all the alien life portrayed in the series has almost human like behavior as far as commerce and social functions is possibly a bit..

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