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Heart of the Cat is not what you think

Review from Heart of the Cat →

I am obsessed with everything that S.E. Smith writes. She has a very creative imagination that sucks you in. This book was released initial in Pet in Space 3, an anthology for charity. If you follow her on Facebook she clearly stated that this was part of that anthology and that she will be releasing..

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Compelling Account-Robotic-sounding narration

Review from Tinderbox →

This important account of an ignored/buried hate-crime fills a critical gap in LGBTQ & civil-rights history. My big peeve is that the narrator has a ridiculously monotone voice which could almost lull one to sleep despite the captivating story. ~Dr. Chris P. Hafner, PhD, MPH, ND

loved every second

Review from Choosing Riley →

I knew this was going to be a great story and it was so hilarious. I think that if I’ve learned one thing about Riley Sinclair it’s that she’s from Denver Colorado and she don’t take no crap

Rambles on too long

Review from Past Obsession →

The book is not bad and the narrator is pretty solid, but the story loses interest because there is a really long stretch where pretty much nothing at all happens. I forced myself to get to the end, where in 10 minutes everything happens all at once. Not very good.