View: pheitsch - page 397

If you like Guardians of the Galaxy

Review from Omega Rising →

“I love it when a plan comes together” to paraphrase an old T.V. show!Loved it, not quite as good as Expeditionary force or some of Heinlien’s early work, but I liked it and think this author deserves a chance. He writes the stuff I like—– like the old Star wolves novels of which there are..

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Review from Marine →

Fantastic follow on, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story telling talent. For me, audible is a perfect format. The girls can have their romantic novellas and we can have ours. Cheers from NASA, where we’re busy designing space robots and listening to stories about their use in the future. Thanks thanks and..

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Slow and Uninteresting

Review from Dagger’s Hope →

This is the first series that I have tried by this author and I was excited based on all of the five-star reviews. I have gotten all the way to this 3rd book thinking it would get better but I am honestly stumped as to how people are raving about this?? Besides the story itself..

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Aweful pronunciation

Review from Tinderbox →

Paul Heitsh has obviously never been to New Orleans and did no research for this production. He mispronounced proper names, businesses and locations throughout the book.

Can I have my very own alien warrior?

Review from Hunter’s Claim →

I really enjoyed this book. It was something different for me. I don’t typically go for the alien romance reads. The plot was really good. I loved the world building. It was very easy to picture the scenes as the book progressed. Now, I’m all about romance. The hero had eyes 100% only for his..

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Love this series

Review from A Witch’s Touch →

Excellent tale.Loved the characters and the story was excellent. Wish this story would continue after the Sea Witch’s story. You will love all the stories it my favorite is book two. Great narration with David Brenin. He always does an excellent job with all the characters.

Interesting Turn Around

Review from Ella and the Beast →

This is an interesting turn on the usual shifter story where shifters attempt to keep hidden or the oppressed group…not here.There was a great fight between shifters and humans and humans lost…in fact assumed to be extinct. Unknown to shifters there are humans living in secrecy in the mountains….here a grizzly shifter meets a human..

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