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pretty good

Review from The Unexpected President →

From the perspective that I didn’t know much about Chester Arthur, this book was informative. I also appreciate that the author is attempting to present Arthur in the best possible way. He wasn’t a good guy for most of his life. He was a corrupt puppet. There were a few moments as President when he..

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Review from The Old Dragon of the Mountain’s Christmas →

I really enjoyed the story of the old dragon, it is tear-inducing but sweet and warming, too. It is a delight to hear the dragonlings interact among themselves and with their parents. And generally, the depiction of animals and their natural curiosity and unadulterated sweetness and purity was a balm of its own. The Christmas..

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Review from Hunter’s Claim →

what a great read/listen. kept me motivated to listen to more and hear what’s happening. also great imagination in the depth of our galaxy and what really is surrounding us light years away. I loved the descriptive sexual experience and encounters too. thank you

loved this book

Review from Gracie’s Touch →

I love everything about this book. first time reading this author and I’ll be reading more of her books. the romance was fulfilling the adventure was pretty good it was just an all-around really good read and I read a lot of these by other authors.


Review from Fashionably Flawed →

Since when do I fall for the bad guy??? Since now!!!! And FINALLY!!!! There’s someone reading that can pronounce the word “macabre” correctly!!!!!!

better than I thought

Review from Challenging Saber →

I hate age Gap romance so I thought hate this book. I actually like it. The main female character was an actual grow up,not some silly naive child. I have to say this made me think maybe not all age Gap romances suck.