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got me hooked!

Review from Omega Rising →

at first the story was slow and illogical. but quickly built into a group of strange characters drawn together for vengeance on the biggest dickhead in the Galaxy

Pure enjoyment!

Review from Viper’s Defiant Mate →

S.E.Smith, you rock! Rarely did I listened to a series that made me laugh and cry so much. I’ m totally in love with all the cats and dragons! I really hope there will be more books on the Serafins and Curozins!

Couldn’t get through it

Review from Hunter’s Claim →

I made it about halfway through, but had to stop. I didn’t much care for any of the characters and I just felt myself cringing through all of the hero/heroine interactions. The heroine seemed to switch from “I hate you and want to run away” to “I want you in me” awful fast without much..

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Review from Rebellion →

I have just spent the past two weeks binge-listening to the Omega Force series on Audible. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. However, I now am experiencing the most horrific, mind-numbing case of intense withdrawal symptoms! It ‘s as if I’ve been separated from all of my friends and family. Truly, I am in the midst..

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