View: pheitsch - page 31

Fascinating and Heartbreaking

Review from Van Gogh →

I love Vincent’s paintings.We all know that he had lived a life which always contained frustrations.I knew that his life had been difficult because he attempted several different careers before he finally landed on drawing and painting. I had even read an extensive reprinted collection of his letters to Theo to better understand his philosophy..

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Jurassic Sushi

Review from Artifact →

When I wake up, in the morning, and just lay there knowing I have to booty up my computer and start stroking those keys, I get scramble for the blanket cave and warmth of downy goodness. Then BING! I remember I have a story to listen to, Suddenly I am excited. My energy ticks up..

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Not really about medicine

Review from All Bleeding Stops →

I initially bought this audiobook thinking that Dr. Cohn would be detailing story after story of his time as a trauma surgeon, but it became more about his views of the current state of policies related to traumatic injuries and becoming a physician. This is not an attack on his character, but the book’s description..

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☆Good but unfinished series where is book 3….its been over 10 yrs. since 2nd book was released.

Review from Krac’s Firebrand →

I listened to Gracie’s Touch yesterday and I listened to Krac’s Firebrand today both were really good. I read them both years ago, when they were first released and now after listening to them both again I remembered waiting for the 3rd book “Rorrak’s Revenge” which as far as I could find was never released…

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Acadia, noy canada

Review from A Great and Noble Scheme →

Let me air a couple of complaints. With no maps (Audible needs PDFs for maps), I found it a challenge to follow in the footsteps of the action. Looking online was not a big help as Faragher points out in the book that 9 out of 10 French place names have been changed to English…

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