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Review from Determined Prince →

I don’t mind some romance but I’m not really into sex details and I tend to zone out at that time. What I did hear was a very vivid description of a sex scene. Michelle’s writing makes you think you are right there. This book had some funny moments, a couple steamy moments and many..

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Not a true happy ending.

Review from The Dragon’s Treasure →

After listening to the whole story, I found a lot of plot holes. They mention a curse on the dragons and fighting witch to reverse said curse… waiting- waiting- never happens. I found this story first on the Radish App. Was so exited. But it had never finished reading it, otherwise I never would have..

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Good story, Great narrator.

Review from Paul’s Pursuit →

Not only a Great addition to the series but nothing is better than a story being as good as you hope it will be. Morian and Paul are awesome. I love the fact Paul did not get a makeover as often happens to characters when “their” book finally gets written. He is the guy we..

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Taz and Flick

Review from Chasing Taz →

A thrilling ride to go on. Taz and Felicity burn with so much chemistry they are extremely fiery. Their connection was instant and intense, they are perfectly matched. This was an action packed, gritty, and raw story. I enjoyed every minute of it. Narration was good but when the female narrator used a “male” voice..

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Great series

Review from Ella and the Beast →

Been a fan of SE Smith’s books for a while but this book threw me off for a while. The it b came a favorite. Humans don’t have all the knowledge of the world shifters do you.