View: pheitsch - page 268

What a stupid “hero”

Review from Dust: Before and After →

Fight vs devil with Bo.. What role did Dust have? When asked before fight he just said “I be there”. And that was all he was.. Actually gave josie a soft landing before he just watch her attack. Doing nothing! “Big hill of nothingness”.. His main feature is to get away from the fight. So..

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I hate

Review from Dust 2: A New World Order →

That I need to be listening to this book after getting so disappointed of the main character which most impressive thing he did before became a vampire (wtf!! Where did that come from!?) was making cars with flat batteries start (except the 3 dogs he killed before he just looked on his friends got killed..

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As Expected

Review from Blueshift →

A very compelling story that kept you engaged with the plot, characters and narration. If I had one gripe it’s the time line. You’re off by a factor of ten. They should be on day 300,000 in space not 3,000.

So in the Litigation…

Review from Forerunner →

Is Audible somewhat liable for helping you steal Dennis E. Taylor’s ‘We are Bob’, aka The Bobiverse, series? I mean come on! Mister Hooke wrote this two years after Mister Taylor published his first Bob book, and the rip-offs from his story abound. I get that science fiction writers borrow from each other. And if..

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Review from Homeless to Billionaire →

it took until the fourth chapter before it actually started talking about the reason you’ve got this book. Near raider sounds like it automated robot reading for you. It Naim drops a lot of people as if that’s going to give it credibility. after the first 16 minutes I stopped listening to this book. chapter..

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Not great

Review from Galactic Forge →

I struggled with the leaps in logic to make sense of the characters. The book seems to ignore the fact the mc is a slave to the machine in his head.