View: pheitsch - page 263

A fun first in the series space opera!

Review from Omega Rising →

_Omega Rising_ by Joshua Dalzelle receives four stars from me. The plot is engaging (while not complicated), and the characters are interesting. This was an audiobook read by Paul Heitsch, and I’d like to address his reading first. Heitsch did an excellent job at reading this book. He has a few voices that he does..

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Too new agey for my taste

Review from Galactic Forge →

The story had a few ‘convenient’ twists that were a bit far fetched even for this story, like there’s a portal that transports a scientist from one end of the galaxy to another, but the portal happens the stay open so that a villain was able to follow through the same portal, then the portal..

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Predictable and convenient but enjoyable.

Review from Omega Rising →

I read several reviews prior to writing this one and most of them refer to some problems with grammar and proof-reading. Obviously, that isn’t a problem with the audiobook version. The narrator is great. The plot is fairly formulaic. The main character is a retired military type who often acts without thinking. The author even..

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