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A cheap copy of bobiverse

Review from Forerunner →

As the title says this just feels like a cheap rewrite of bobiverse some examples:there are human minds copied into cores implanted into ships to pilot them.they have vr environment pretty much a carbon type copy of bobiverse with the same flare and type. the character are way to two dimensional trying to differentiate them..

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Exhausting melodrama

Review from The Unfinished Garden →

At least it had scenery and British accents to enrich it. It was free for mental health month of May on audible cuz one character ostensibly is struggling with OCD. I don’t know enough about the condition to know if it was accurately portrayed. Anyway, I stubbornly listened to the end.

Loved it

Review from The Unfinished Garden →

A great romance with just the right mix of challenges, frustration and wonder. Loved all the garden details. If I could change one thing I thought there were too many people fawning after each other. It came to be a little unrealistic. That said, I thought Barbara nailed the obsessive behaviours and hesitation of getting..

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Could Not Finish This Book

Review from Boneshaker →

The narration seemed as if a teenager were reading it instead of a serious voice actor. The story meandered around for so much that combined with the narration I only lasted about an hour. Returning this book.


Review from Galactic Forge →

conscripted into galactic war against evil empire.transported across the galaxy, first thing you do? rescue a damsel in distress alien that happens to be built like a hot sex doll. snort Lord save us from porn thinly veiled as scifi.