View: pheitsch - page 249

Amusing sci-fi story

Review from Blueshift →

The story was a bit predictable and could have been fleshed out. The narrator had a stilted way of speaking that was occasionally distracting, but not overly so.

Good Story Bad Narrator

Review from Dust: Before and After →

I liked the story as it was creative, different, entertaining. Unfortunately, you have to grind through as a poorly chosen very bland, sorrowful, sounds like hebis going to cry at any moment narrator. Buy the book and skip the audiobook.

Excellent book

Review from Sociology: Exploring Human Society →

This is one of the best books I have ever heard or read, maybe the best. I honestly advice anyone interested in any one “thing” such as general culture or knowledge, economics, politics, poverty and affluence, the reasons why some people get rich and others don’t, inequality, discrimination, etc. I wish I had found a..

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excellent book!

Review from Six Minutes to Freedom →

as an American who grew up in the canal zone and lived through these times I can attest that this book is very accurate in all of its detail. I highly recommend this book to every American and Panamanian patriot!

Good ol’ fashion we can’t have anything nice SciFi

Review from Blueshift →

Rated R due to a handful of graphic violent scenes, murder, some minor sexual comments. Highly enjoyed the story, pacing and ending. The story leaves the door open for sequels and prequels but does it in a way where you are still satisfied with this story and not left feeling unhappily hanging.

Phenomenal Writing and Oration

Review from Tinderbox →

Warning: Do not read Chapter 4 in public. I had the unpleasant experience of telling numerous Starbucks patrons that my sobs, tears, and tissues were not the result of personal troubles, but piercing heartbreak brought on by an excellent narrator. I give Paul Heitsch the greatest respect for orating Fieseler’s tale with such feeling—there were..

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Usual stuff

Review from Determined Prince →

The usual alien romance theme of not enough females so earth women have to be the solution. It had some cute moments when an alien is trying to understand the quirks of earthlings which leads to funny misunderstandings. But overall, it just wasn’t enough.

Next Book

Review from The Pandora Paradox →

So, when is the next book coming out! Great series! I have a tough time finding authors who can keep my attention. Joshua Dalzelle ranks with Craig Alanson and John Hemry.