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Good adventure

Review from Devastator →

It’s a good story line concept. I do really like it. My only complaint is that the protagonists do not learn from. experience, nor do they react as their true life counterparts would. However, even with that, I love the series! Put out more!!

My cringe-meter was through the roof

Review from Abducting Abby →

I’ve found plenty of inhuman romance series with good plots, dialogue, and characters, so even if I don’t expect great literature, I still have certain standards. This book fell below my standards of decent campy alien romance everywhere except the overall concept. The writing was childish and completely unrealistic, even for the genre. My top..

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My favorite read of the year

Review from Holy Ground →

This was one of those stories that found you cheering for the characters. It was a great plausible story. The author added military details without getting too technical and even wove a warning to our politicians into this story. I hate series that drag on but I hope this is the start of a great..

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Lacks Soul

Review from Forerunner →

Creative concept and interesting ideas, but ultimately lacks any soul and thus drama. A few ideas are silly and probably contribute to this; the AI characters can dial up or down their emotional responses to something, which completely misunderstands what emotions are and also robs the story of much of its tension; the characters just..

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Ella and the Beast

Review from Ella and the Beast →

This was the first S.E. Smith book I’ve listened to. The story is a unique twist of Human and Shifters. The characters are strong. The storyline is perfectly set up for expansion of the series, but i read other reviewers state that this author drops series’ without a satisfactory conclusion. Although the book seems to..

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Weak protagonists flip flop indecisive

Review from Devastator →

Protagonist who is the admiral flip flops and backtracks on decisions within seconds. Possible spoiler for those who like this…… He knows the Terran forces are hunting and they are possibly infiltrated by the slain race. The Terran forces magically find him after 10 years right after their main base conveniently gets destroyed by a..

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Mind numbingly boring story

Review from Forerunner →

If you like lots of metaphysical banter and mindless chatter then this is the book for you. If you want action then keep looking. I made it almost halfway through this tedium before tossing it and moving on.

Beauty and the Beast it is not

Review from Ella and the Beast →

I’m pretty good at suspending reality when reading a book in an Alternate Universe, but I had some trouble with that in this particular instance. The premise is that shape shifters hunted humans into near extinction hundreds of years ago and the remaining humans hid deep in the parts of the world the shape shifters..

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