The complete series was cute and was nice to listen to while working. This series would be something that I’d recommend.
Captured by a Dragon Shifter
Review from Captured by a Dragon-Shifter Series (The Complete Box Set) →
This is a great book that I would highly recommend if you like excitement and adventure also a true story. In the beginning it told the life of who was who , and what they did and so forth but once it got started on the real story it was so exciting that I just..
This is a wonderful informative read for orca enthusiasts. It mentions many great scientists, naturalists and environmentalists who have fought to save orcas and salmon . You will learn so many things from reading this and it gives many opportunities to dive into different topics and events that have happened in orca history .
Review from Vapor Trails →
Review from Artifact →
Review from The Last Fleet: A Military Sci-Fi Series →
Review from Artifact →
Review from Terminal Pursuit →