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Not really about medicine

Review from All Bleeding Stops →

I initially bought this audiobook thinking that Dr. Cohn would be detailing story after story of his time as a trauma surgeon, but it became more about his views of the current state of policies related to traumatic injuries and becoming a physician. This is not an attack on his character, but the book’s description..

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☆Good but unfinished series where is book 3….its been over 10 yrs. since 2nd book was released.

Review from Krac’s Firebrand →

I listened to Gracie’s Touch yesterday and I listened to Krac’s Firebrand today both were really good. I read them both years ago, when they were first released and now after listening to them both again I remembered waiting for the 3rd book “Rorrak’s Revenge” which as far as I could find was never released…

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Acadia, noy canada

Review from A Great and Noble Scheme →

Let me air a couple of complaints. With no maps (Audible needs PDFs for maps), I found it a challenge to follow in the footsteps of the action. Looking online was not a big help as Faragher points out in the book that 9 out of 10 French place names have been changed to English…

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Entertaining listen.

Review from Cascade →

Some dialog delivery was rather corny, but the characters are generally good. The galactic scope of the alien seeding of life by the plant people was entertaining. Humanity’s factions, mistrust and squabbling was depressingly familiar and realistic.

A bit of a slow start..

Review from Artifact →

…but once all the “caracter introductions” have completed; the story picks up.It’s still a “slow tempo book,” but as a reader/listener , you’ll appreciate the “thuroghness” of the writers descriptions and sense of details. It starts “heavy/chockingly , turns into a “buddy/action”, and ends as a FULL SCI FY ! (You’ll know what I mean,..

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Wild Card!!

Review from Galaxy Undone →

I only have one complaint about this book is the empress didn’t use the sanctifier. I understand her decision but still should have used it. Can’t wait for next Caleb Card book and with Arun, penn, and company. Really hoping Caleb and penn come together!!