View: pheitsch - page 16

Characters just too juvenile.

Review from Artifact →

Dialog is just too immature to get past. Plot is pretty bizarre, but at least interesting. But surely the people that are reading this book do not want dialog similar to a Chris Rock main stream movie.

Very fun

Review from The Enemy Within →

I am currently binging this series. It is the perfect mind candy, fun, relatable characters that makes space opera and space cowboy stories so fun. enjoy this series.

Unexpectedly good

Review from The Unexpected President →

I expected a dry and uninspiring account of someone who is essentially a historical footnote. To my surprise and delight, this book brought an obscure figure to life and shed fascinating light on an important era in American history.

Forgettable fighter jet story

Review from Punk’s War →

You would think with a title like “Punks War” this could be a serious war story with high stakes. But it isn’t. You might think the main protagonist, Punk might be an edgey character. But he isn’t. That’s the problem with Ward Carroll’s books; the flying bits are interesting but the story is always as..

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