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Loved it!

Review from Eve’s Daughters →

This was a very beautiful story. I loved every minute of it, it never grew boring or stale. It was spiritually encouraging and a beautiful reminder of God’s ever-present grace. It brought me to tears.

A pleasure to listen to again

Review from Cruising in Seraffyn →

I read the book for the first time over 20 years ago. I owned a little sailbost for a short time, but I guess it wasn’t my time yet. I am finally buying another boat and going to start cruising like I’ve always wanted to. I was happy to hear the old familiar stories again…

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Rehash of news stories

Review from Star Crossed →

Nothing new here if you followed the story in the news, except maybe some of the testimony from the military hearing. Underscores how Nowak really evaded justice. if I were Colleen Shipman, I’d be passed, but I guess living well is the best revenge.