View: kittyhendrix1 - page 31


Review from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous →

The individual stories sound as if they are from 40 years ago. I stopped listening in the chapter about the woman who was clearly suffering from postpartum depression not food addiction. This book perpetuate stereotypes about people who are overweight and is not helpful.

well done.

Review from Eve’s Daughters →

Beautifully written. Thought provoking and emotional. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it, but it is worth the time. No doubt I’ll be pondering parts of it for a while.

Good Story / Hard Narration

Review from The Golden Spoon →

I like the concept of the story but could not get the full meat because of the very deliberate narration. There was nothing believable about the character vision because of this. The Audible sample didn’t let in so much either. Would have rather read this.